Kallang Airport, Singapore
CLIENT Calvin Klein, Inc.
PROGRAM Temporary house for Calvin Klein, Inc. in an abandoned hangar at Singapore’s Kallang Airport, featuring thirty models displaying the brand’s various collections (CK Collection, CK Platinum, CK Jeans, and CK Underwear), each with its own distinct room in the house furnished with pieces from the CK Home Collection
AREA 300 m² (3,230 sf)
COST Confidential
STATUS Completed 2014
PERSONNEL Alysen Hiller, Roberto Otero (PL), Joshua Ramus, Raúl Rodríguez García,
Elina Spruza (PL), Antarkish Tandon, Cristina Webb
Calvin Klein, Inc. continues to expand its global presence in Asia. The company celebrated growth in the region with its biggest event of 2014 in Singapore.
The affair, including presentations of the brand’s various collections (CK Collection, CK Platinum, CK Jeans, and CK Underwear), took place on the grounds of the abandoned Kallang Airport, closed since 1955.
For the event, Calvin Klein, Inc. approached REX to conceive an architectural installation inside a defunct hangar, to be designed and built in just three weeks.
The structure—which mingles the Modernist sophistication befitting a Calvin Klein home with a little architectural disobedience and a touch of voyeurism—featured thirty models displaying the brand’s four clothing collections and pieces from the CK Home Collection. Each of the four clothing collections had its own distinct space in the house.
Extending the concept for the Calvin Klein Madison Ave (Doll)House completed by REX in 2008, the design began as six minimalist floor plates: Bedroom/Bathroom, Dining Room/Living Room, Game Room, Kitchen, Pool Deck, and ‘secret’ Spy Room.
As a counter to the generic, linear experience typical of apparel display, the six floor plates are arranged in a non-hierarchical composition encouraging patrons to explore based on curiosity…